04 August 2009

Sweet lavender pillow, little spelling oops!

I had this all ready to put in my Etsy shop when I noticed that I had made a little spelling mistake. And I was so darned proud of myself too. Oh well, I know what they say about pride and falling.

03 August 2009

For my Etsy Shop...

For your pins and needles
Originally uploaded by emhlt
I have finally opened a little Etsy shop. So far I've only listed three things, but that will change as time goes by. Since I've named my shop "iamanartist boutique", there will be a variety of different art and craft items listed, since that is how I define 'boutique.'
Take a look....This is one of the things I have listed for sale.

About Me

My photo
I'm a wife and a mom to two grown sons. I am owned by 3 cats and 1 dog. I love chocolate but lately I've been cutting back on my chocolate love...and I've been drinking tea and exercising. Yeah, I miss chocolate but my jeans fit me better.