29 August 2008

Friday evening

End of the first week back. Wow! Is it hard to go back to getting up at o dark thirty. Got a three day weekend in front of me and I'm gonna sew up the purse that I cut out on Tuesday. Hopefully it won't take that long, because I want to make a couple of acesssories to use with the purse.

27 August 2008

Wednesday evening

Second day back at work and first day with our students. Six in all. It's going to be an interesting year; just like every year is. This job is tiring sometimes, but I really enjoy it. I never thought that I be doing this same job now for...let's see, this is the beginning of my 6th year here. Hopefully this weekend I'll feel like doing my sewing and crafts. I have been drawing though, drawing is very portable and easy to carry the few supplies I need for it in my purse.

26 August 2008

Tuesday Evening

Well, went back to work this morning and the all staff meeting was just as boring as I expected. Good thing a person can't die from boredom, 'cause surely it would have happened today.

25 August 2008


emhlt's itemsGo to emhlt's photostream

Monday Evening and end of summer vacation....

While summer isn't officially over yet, it is for me. It's back to work tomorrow. While I am awfully glad that I'll be back to having a bi-weekly paycheck again; I'll miss the fairly care free days of summer. No more sleeping in or staying up later than usual. What I'm concerned, ok worried, the most about, is will I still feel like doing all the sewing and painting and other crafting that I've been doing this summer. Or will I be too tired to. Hopefully not, 'cause I have enjoyed being so creative this summer. And I think that I feel so much better when I can be creative.

24 August 2008

Front of My House of Needles

Front of My House of Needles
Originally uploaded by emhlt
I needed a place to put my needles; so I built them a home.

Monster Beneath the Bed

Monster Beneath the Bed
Originally uploaded by emhlt
A watercolor that I just did today. It's one of my favorites; I think because it takes me back to my childhood.

Zippered bags

Zippered bags
Originally uploaded by emhlt
zippered bags all hung up for their photo op.

Sunday Afternoon

Pictures from yesterdays shopping at the Chicken Coop and my seeming sewing frenzy. I decided that today I was going to paint one of my watercolors and that is posted to the left also.
A wonderful summer day here at One Crow Hill. Not too hot. Just perfect with a lovely breeze.

About Me

My photo
I'm a wife and a mom to two grown sons. I am owned by 3 cats and 1 dog. I love chocolate but lately I've been cutting back on my chocolate love...and I've been drinking tea and exercising. Yeah, I miss chocolate but my jeans fit me better.