20 October 2008

beginnings of a doll quilt

beginnings of a doll quilt
Originally uploaded by emhlt
Here's the beginnings of my doll quilt for the Doll Quilt Swap #5. I decided not to use that particular striped fabric although I loved it, because in my haste I cut it wrong. I wanted the stripes to radiate out from the center. I used a different fabric and I think that I actually like it better. Pictures coming soon. I really hope that my swap partner will like my color choice. She said earth tones and I have always interepted earth tones this way. You know, blues, greens, some shades of browns and reds and oranges.

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About Me

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I'm a wife and a mom to two grown sons. I am owned by 3 cats and 1 dog. I love chocolate but lately I've been cutting back on my chocolate love...and I've been drinking tea and exercising. Yeah, I miss chocolate but my jeans fit me better.